Bio :
The foundations of our success are focus on quality service and investment in exceptional people. Taking the time to understand our client’s concerns and project-specific issues allows for the provision of personal service that addresses the unique requirements of each given project, while delivering results and recommendations with integrity and...
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Bio :
My name is Mohammad Firoz i am from India currently working hidesign india pvt Ltd from April 2018 my previous work experience is from Samsonite south asia pvt Ltd from sep-2015 to march 2018
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Bio :
iDear Sir /madam I am Professional Chauffeur Cum Bodyguard and Security officer and Security officer, I have 25 years of experience in this field, I can Operate Computers, I speak fluent English, I worked at Maldives, Malaysia, Kuwait, I have Kuwait Driving Licence and I am nonalcoholic and nonsmokers person...
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United Trading Group