Abhishek Yadav


Project Control & Contract Manager
Location: Oman

Project Management certified professional working for Upstream Oil & Gas
sector for 17+ years involved in Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication, Pre-
Commissioning /Commissioning and Loadout of Offshore Jackets, Topsides,
Jack up Rigs, Lift Boats etc. Proficient in SAP, Primavera and project
Management tools.
Executed Oil & Gas EPC projects for esteemed clients like QATAR petroleum,
Qatargas, Saudi Aramco, McDermott, ONGC, Letourneau, ADMA-OPCO, Technip,
HHI, MOQ, NDC, Jindal group, GDI, Lukoil (Russia) etc.
Experience in the development and implementation of management information
systems, Business plans, internal control systems and procedures, project
management procedures and related information and logistics systems

  • Construction
  • Updated 4 years ago

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