Software Developer
Location: Qatar
Nov 2017 – Present Ministry of Public Health
Applications Developer
Feb 2016 – Nov 2017 Deloitte
Senior Software Developer
Sep 2014 – Mar 2015 Qatar Postal Services Company(Q-Post)
Software Developer
Dec 2009 – Dec 2013 ISPG Technologies India Pvt Ltd
Software Developer
Jul 2007 – Dec 2009 netBIOS Technologies Pvt Ltd
Software Developer
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering (B-tech – 2007 Kerala University)
Nationality Indian
Current location Qatar
Roles: S/w Development, Enterprise Deployment
Languages : C#.NET, ASP.NET, Angular 2/4, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, Java
Technologies: AJAX, ADO.NET, MVC, Web API, Web Services, Win Forms
Frameworks: .NET Framework, Entity Framework
Databases : SQL Server, Oracle, Postgres-SQL, MS Access, MySQL
Concepts: EDMS, Content Mgmt., BPM, Agile, SCRUM, Devops, Continuous Integration
Testing and QA: Automation Testing, Unit Testing, MOQ, xUnit, nUnit
Source Control and Release Mgmt: TFS, GIT, Azure Devops, Jenkins
Application Development
Systems Integration
Continuous Improvement
Vendor Management
Requirements Analysis
Business and IT Planning
Technology and Business Linkage Planning
Business Process Re- engineering
Client Requirement Analysis
Creativity/Solutions Generation
Technical Assistance
Productivity Improvement
Microsoft Certification on Programming with C# & ASP.net (MCTS)
Certification on Microsoft-Azure fundamentals
Innovative and solution-oriented application development professional offering 12 years of rich experience in development and support of various desktop and web applications in a classified environment. Utilising in-depth understanding of various technologies to manage assigned projects from business requirements analysis to solutions delivery and support. Resourceful individual with a record of adhering to general programming best practices, accepted web standards and policies implemented by the company. Utilising effective combination of technologies and processes while integrating business and technology needs to achieve optimum and cost-effective business objectives
Proficient in resolving technical problems in addition to designing, developing and implementing complex programmes, products and technical systems.
Exceptional track record of delivering outstanding performance and attaining “Going the Extra Mile” award.
Ministry of public Health (Nov 2017 – Present)
Applications Developer (Nov2017 – Present)
Accountable for ensuring smooth running of various projects as mentioned below:
Food registration System: Designed and implemented the web application for managing all food importers and registering and managing all imported food products in Qatar.
Qatar Cancer Portal: Successfully designed and implemented an in- house web portal for Cancer patients, their screening, treatments, and cases managements and cancer governance board profile details, job portal, discussion forum, event management etc.
Autism Integrated Management Solutions: Effectively designed and implemented the application for automating the process of re-imbursement of services provided by external providers (private hospitals, Clinics) to children with Autism. The application includes management of patient registry, referral management, notification, claims invoice submission, approval and payment of approved invoices.
Prepared and maintained all supporting documents related to application maintenance and end-users.
Performing code reviews to ensure code compliance with the OOP standards, further ensuring enhance performance.
Handling various system migration from HMC and PHCC.
Senior Software Developer (Feb 2016 – Nov 2017)
Food Premise Registration System: Ran the design and development of Food Premise Registration System following agile methodology to manage all the food business in Qatar. Key roles include design the UI and application flow as per the functional requirement; communicate with the SOAP producer team.
Communicable Disease Notification System: Developed an Intranet application used by health providers across Qatar for maintaining confidential data of all communicable diseases and their details.
qpost(qatar postal services company)
Senior Software Developer (Sep 2014 – Mar 2015)
Q-Post Metrash: Qposts Metrash is a online service in partnership with the Ministry of Interior and Immigration.This service allows the general public to renew their dependents residence visa and ID cards.
ID renewal system is web based solution for shipping management.
The different modules includes Collecting data from MOI,Verifying the data collected,Route Management, Call center management, Automatic or manual assign to driver, Route optimization, Print delivery sheet,Pushing data to PDA,Capture POD,Signature and screenshots from PDA,Address management,Reports,Admin and Driver Management.
Ispg technologies
Software Developer (Dec 2009 – Dec 2013)
Provide object-oriented software (OOS) design for one of the fashion industry’s leading project- management platforms. Develop and customize software for diverse client base. Achievement Highlights:
Performed code review, worked close to team member to ensure consistence to code standards.
Optimized application performance by 40%.
Developed reports using Crystal Reports and MS SQL reporting.
Worked close to business people to review requirements
Implemented application business logic in C# with MVC design pattern to increase unit tests support.
Implemented a job portal system using a combination of web services and APIs.
NETBIOS Technologies
Software Developer (Jul 2007 – Dec 2009)
Re-engineered customer account software systems used by brokerage teams. Web developer for user interfaces to trading inquiries.
Developed and implemented an intranet application for employers to view HR policies,to submit HR related feedbacks and there is a discussion forum for employees too.
Designed and developed multi-tier data driven web applications in support of internal/external organizational needs.
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